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Put about 100 bricks in some particular order in a closed room  with
an open window.
  Then send 2 or 3 candidates in the room & close the  door.
  Leave them alone and come back after 6 hours and then analyze the situation.
  If they are counting the bricks. Put them in the accounts  department.
  If they are recounting them. Put them in auditing.
  If they have messed up the whole place with the bricks. Put them  in
  If they are arranging the bricks in some strange order. Put them  in
  If they are throwing the bricks at each other. Put them in  operations.
  If they are sleeping. Put them in security.
  If they have broken the bricks into pieces. Put them in  information
  If they are sitting idle. Put them in human resources.
  If they say they have tried different combinations, yet not a  brick
has been moved. Put them in sales.
  If they have already left for the day. Put them in  marketing.
  If they are staring out of the window. Put them on strategic  planning.
  And then last but not the least. If they are talking to each  other
and not a single brick has been moved. Congratulate them and put them
in  top management.

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